Vision and History

Our Vision

 Yerington Vineyard Fellowship has a long history of caring involvement with the people of Mason and Smith Valleys, as well as communities all over Nevada and ministries around the world. First, as the First Baptist Church, then as the Yerington Vineyard Fellowship, and always by God’s grace, we have endeavored to present Christ’s message and heart to all who have come within our reach and influence. We realize that visions are better “caught than taught,” but our desire is to keep pressing forward until we all “catch it” and clearly represent Christ and His Kingdom to all we encounter. This is the church we wish to be.



A church who has Jesus as it’s foundation and it’s center and who honor Him with faithful service, study, giving, and worship. We intend to be light in a dark world, freely giving what we have freely received. Our desire is to see everyone who attends our fellowship in the process of becoming disciples, developing their gifting and calling, being trained and commissioned to do the work of the ministry in the context of the Kingdom of Heaven. Because we value Christ’s love for all, our vision will always be to teach these values to our children, our teenagers, our young adults, and our mature adults. Everyone has the right to see Jesus for himself or herself and be provided with every opportunity to grow into God’s maximum potential for their life.



A church built on relationships and a common love for the Savior. We will encourage it in our regular worship gatherings, in home groups, in purpose-centered ministries, in special events, in outreaches, in formal training times, and in informal fellowship. We want to always have a way for the new believers and attendees to find a way into those relationships. We want to provide the best facilities and resources to allow this to happen. Keeping on that same spirit, we will be quick to use our resources to serve the needs of our valleys and region. We want to be a church of authentic and friendly people. We hope to always cooperate with other like-minded churches, Vineyard and others, who wish to see the long-term believer and the newly saved in service worshiping together.



Yerington Vineyard Fellowship becoming the City of Refuge that has been spoken over us so many times. Our deepest concern is for those who do not yet know the Savior. To love them enough to embrace them with the Gospel and with kindness is a high priority. We see ourselves as a place where the broken, the hurting, the addicted, the marginalized, the confused, the abandoned, the frustrated, and the disenfranchised, whether they are Christians or not, can find a place of comfort and restoration. We want to offer a place of protection where even the professional minister or missionary, tired and in burnout, will have a place to receive grace and rekindled hope. To meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our world are both our responsibility and our honor. Through the ministry of YVF, people will come to Jesus, have their lives reconstructed, be discipled, and enthusiastically serve their God.



That we will always reach out, even to “go into all the world,” to present the story of Jesus’ love and salvation. We want to touch people everywhere, first in our church, then extending into our community, our region, and our world. We hope to imprint a model of healthy Christian behavior and sound church life on all who are impacted by our ministry. We hope to develop members, leaders, pastors, missionaries, evangelists, and to plant other churches who will have vision for a harvest of their own. We will encourage people to dedicate to long-term and short-term ministry opportunities, carrying the torch of life and hope that was lit while attending Yerington Vineyard Fellowship.



A church that keeps in stock what it advertises in the show window. We will teach and model a Kingdom theology and practice that can be reproduced and given away. We will worship with all our hearts, allow God to work on our character and dreams, give out of our blessing and faith, build with sight for the future, minister through the strength and gifts of the Holy Spirit, search always for the unchurched and unsaved, and always protect the sanctity of the Church with all our substance and intent. We want the world to see Jesus in us.

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Our History

Yerington Vineyard was founded in 1954 by its young pastor, Gene Chism, as a mission outreach of a Southern Baptist church in Hawthorne, NV, and became First Baptist of Yerington.  The mission soon grew into a viable church and a full-time pastor was appointed while Gene continued with his pastoring in Hawthorne and church planting in other Nevada towns including a mission in Mina and churches in Fallon and Tonopah.


Gene was called back by First Baptist, Yerington in 1966 from his pastorate in California, bringing Gene and his family back to Nevada to stay. A visitation of the Holy Spirit in 1971 changed the church forever and further defined the church's role in the Body of Christ in Nevada, as a city of refuge.   The church remained Southern Baptist until 1980, becoming an independent church until 1990 when it joined the Association of Vineyard Churches, now Vineyard USA.


Gene's son, Tom transitioned into the Senior Pastorate in the late 70's-early 80's from a Youth/Associate Pastor role, resigning in 2006 to take a church in Reno. Tom's younger brother, David, moved into the Senior Pastor position from his role as an Youth/Associate Pastor where he had been serving since 1979. David served as Senior Pastor until January 1, 2017 when Kevin Webster became Senior Pastor.